3 Principles of Branding: that help you decide your “WHY”!

Calling out all my current clients and potential clients: this ones for you! A lot of times we start a business or a venture and we don’t realize why we started it. Many of the clients I have gotten are contended between their “WHY” and aesthetics. I always recommend them to start with asking themselves: why did I start this business? what are the values behind my brand? what is the story? That brings me to my first principle:

  1. Decide what is important? —- Why?

Choose your brand values wisely and stick to them. If you’re confused, your audience will be too. Decide why your business exists and remind yourself often so your content can reflect your brand message clearly every time. Answer questions like “why are you motivated to serve people through your business?” When you answer your why, you set the stage for a purposeful and strategic brand.

2. Be Authentic, not Alluring — Don’t compare!

Presentation is important and branding does help in making you appear attractive in front of your dream/target audience, but anybody can make cheap content look pretty. There are people selling $5 logos without strategy and research. So how will you standout from that? Why not leverage your story and authenticity to standout online and offline? Your content is more powerful when it can stand alone! Story and strategy backed designs help you grow, attract and convert. And gosh, please stop comparing. Just because another brand looks a certain way you don’t have to look exactly the same. How are you authentic then? That’s their story. What is yours? Everyone does business differently. Stay focused on what makes you YOU and how your business will uniquely serve your ideal client.

3. Choose Quality over Quantity —- Really Celebrate!

While consistency is key to designing a brand, your content is only good as your weakest link. Fully embrace your brand, take time to share about your new brand with your readers, visitors and followers. Bring them along on the journey of why you decided to rebrand, so they can remain a part of your story. Over creating and designing will only lead to burnout. Stay authentic and share what is quality, brand aligned work. Your work should reflect your brand guidelines, brand story, brand colors, in short YOU and your target client.

As a brand designer and strategist I create Brands for businesses and help them answer their why. That is the first step in my Branding Process. I dig deep using a discovery call and questionnaire to understand your story, to help you discover your target audience and your branding path.

Does your current Branding reflect your story? Does it resonate with your style? Does it reflect your target audience? If not, let me help you discover branding that suits your style and attracts your dream clients!


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