A Website is the cheapest salesperson you can hire!

Yup. The statement above is a fact. If you google a salespersons salary the results show around $48K-$100K per year. Have you ever imagined paying this for a website? Absolutely not! I get inquiries for people wanting a website for $200. Yes. You will hear crickets if you get a website for $200. What if you can get a website(your salesperson who works 24/7) for quarter the price(even lesser)? Wouldn’t you grab that deal?

A website is like a lasagna - many layers to it, mmmmm. Let’s not get off topic. But it’s true! A Website isn’t just about design and how pretty it looks. Websites are digital stores made to sell! While design is an important factor, a website needs functionality, strategy, a sales pitch, showcase of your work, call to action, the ability to inquire and contact. Now you can decorate your shop as much as you can but if someone walks in and cannot find what they are looking for, guess what, they are walking out(ex-ing out your website).

Stats show a that a prospect client usually stays on a website for 7 seconds. Yes! Only 7 seconds. Now can you imagine grabbing some ones attention in 7 seconds or less. Here comes website strategy! Website strategy is what will help you not only attract but also retain attention. Design strategy should be based on a few questions:

  1. How to keep a prospect stay longer on my website?

  2. How will a prospect click on the other tabs and pages?

  3. How to attract my prospect to fill out my inquiry or buy my product?

Now, I have designed both - product based and service based websites! And oh boy! They are so very different in the way they attract and how the layout works. A product based website should have products displayed right when the website is clicked, for example in the banner picture, a list of categories below the banner, and best sellers. Whereas, a service based website should first communicate the value of that particular service, what will be achieved if that service is bought and then at the very end of the homepage BOOOM, here are the services we offer!

Concluding this to the fact that in today’s day and age if you don’t have a link in your bio, no one will buy from you, or you are losing a lot of interested buyers. If you want to scale your business then you need a website - this will grow your buyers and revenue.


The Digital Age & importance of Branding