The Digital Age & importance of Branding

The world isn’t what it used to be. If you have no social presence then do you even exist? The transition from walk in locations and storefronts to online shops and web presence has increased more than ever.

For businesses to become brands they need to aligned strategically with their purpose but also build trust among their customers and clients, they need BRANDING.

When I say Branding, I am not only talking about a logo. Brand Design starts from a spike of inspiration, a color palette, a quote and the mood. A pattern or icon that adds character to your brand. Choosing the right font/typography that portrays the personality of your brand.

A Brand is a perspective about a product or service. A feeling an individual draws from your business. What do you think of when I say Louis Vuitton? Luxury, Expensive, Dream. What are the colors you see? Orange and blue, Right? That is branding. What comes to your mind when I say Walmart? Low costs, Savings and affordable. What colors come to your mind? Blue and Yellow, right? That is branding.

I have had several clients and prospect clients ask me ‘What is Branding, can I just get a Logo?’ My question to them usually is: Why do you need a logo only? Their answer is because I want to look professional, modern, clean, fun and so on.. They themselves don’t realize they need branding. You want consumers to extract a meaning from your business. That cannot be accomplished only by a logo! You can get a Logo on Etsy for $5. SMH. Branding is discovery of the problem, the pain points, the FAQs and answering them via design! The brand is the foundation of a company and the logo is the visual shortcut to the trademark of the brand. Which certainly cannot be achieved by a $5 logo which 50 more people have.

“Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.”
- Jeff Bezos CEO/Founder Amazon

Branding is a combination of strategized elements, psychology of colors, personality of typographies, the layout and the connection of all these elements. The feeling/perspective driven via design is Branding!

Do you need Branding/Rebrand? Let’s find out!!

Fill out the Free Brand Audit Form below and hear back from us about your current branding!


How to strategically increase your prices?


A Website is the cheapest salesperson you can hire!